La testa tra le nuvole


12 – 22 dicembre 2009

As part of World Food Day 2009, the Municipality of Viterbo, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, the Prefecture UTG of Viterbo, Province of Viterbo, University of Tuscia, Talete Spa, Bank of Viterbo


La testa tra le nuvole

Housed in the evocative seat of the baroque church of the Carmelites of Viterbo, the exhibition houses the collage Claudless Drawning by Loris Cecchini in the large hall of the church that once housed the Court of the city. In the same venue the intsallazione Bed by Alex Carosi will dialogue with a video of Daniela Papadia along with the works of Marco Grimaldi and Fernada Vèron.

At the KYO Gallery, in the old quarter of the city, will be projected the work Welcome by Paolo Angelosanto in a particular setting.

At Palazzo Mazzatosta (XIV Century) the close dialogue between the images of Emma Stow and Claudia Marini will establish a correspondence between landscape and portrait together with an unpublished work by Matteo Montani. In the rooms of the building two young debutantes Massimiliano Capo and Riccardo Spinella will offer their interpretation of the clouds.

Opening: December 12 at 18. Piazza Fontana Grande, Viterbo

Secretariat of Organization:
Associazione Arnies Viterbo
tel: 328.80.66.067 (Chiara)

Catalogue by Marcello Carriero

Texts: Marcello Carriero, Flavio de Marco

Davide Ghaleb Editore
Via Roma, 41(Palazzo Paolocci)
01019 Vetralla (VT)
Tel. 0761461794